Idaho Criminal Defense and DUI Defense Blog

Stay Safe On New Year!

Posted by William Young | Dec 31, 2018 | 0 Comments

Happy New Year (Soon)!

As 2018 ends and 2019 approaches I am proud of all the things our firm has achieved this year. We added Samantha Mena to our team, moved to new offices, and represented clients in 121 different criminal cases! I doubt 2019 will include quite as much change as 2018 did never know.

New Year DUI Idaho

If you are celebrating the new year tonight, please avoid drinking and driving. A DUI is not a good way to end the year!

For many, holiday celebrations often involve alcohol. This can lead to problems when people choose to drive home from those ugly sweater parties. In fact, the holiday season has become notorious for high volumes of impaired driving accidents and alcohol-related injury or death. As if impaired driving was not enough on its own, these dangers are often enhanced during the holiday season by increases in traffic (holiday shopping madness and road trips to grandmothers house) and variable winter road conditions.

In an effort to decrease the number of impaired drivers on the road December was recently declared National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. This means that there will be an increased law enforcement presence on roadways and an emphasis on DUI arrests. Don't put yourself and others at risk: drive carefully, be aware of how much you have had to drink, call a cab/uber, or designate a sober driver... an even better idea might be to just make yourself cozy by the fire and settle in for the night!

However, if you or a loved one are arrested for DUI it is important to act quickly. People make mistakes - burying your head in the snow until after the new year will only make matters worse. I am available throughout the holiday season to discuss your case and answer any questions you have. I keep my cell phone with me at all times to make sure you get the attention you deserve and the answers you need - (208) 344-0128.

Take some time to relax and enjoy the company of others this holiday season. You have earned it! 2019 is right around the corner and before you know it you will be back at the grindstone with nothing to look forward to until Valentine's Day. However, if your R&R involves drinking...stay safe and keep off the road.

About the Author

William Young

William Young - Idaho Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, and Trial Attorney


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