Idaho Second Offense DUI

Idaho DUI Attorneys | Idaho DUI Second Offense | 2nd Offense DUI
Idaho DUI (2nd Offense Within 10 Years)
In Idaho if you are charged with DUI for a second time within 10 years, you are facing enhanced penalties. Although still considered a misdemeanor offense, a second DUI conviction comes with mandatory jail time, a spike in fines, and many other possible penalties.
Because the punishments are more severe, a 2nd DUI conviction in Idaho can wreak havoc on your life, both personally and professionally. It is critical to see an attorney who is experienced in second DUI charges to help ease the burden and walk you through the process.
Penalties for DUI 2nd Offense
If you are convicted of a Second Offense DUI within 10 years in Idaho you are subject to the following potential penalties:
Jail Sentence
Jail time is mandatory. The minimum sentence for 2nd DUI in Idaho is 10 days, with at least 5 of those days being actually served in the county jail, but a conviction can result in up to 365 days.
You will likely be placed on probation for at least one year, and likely two years. Some portion or all of this probation is likely to be Supervised Probation rather than Unsupervised Probation.
Fines, Fees, and Restitution
Fines of up to $2,000. Restitution will be ordered for any injury and property damage caused as a result of the crime (for more this and what it includes - Idaho Code related to Restitution). You could also be required to pay the costs associated with any tests performed by law enforcement as part of your case.
Driver's License Suspension
Your driver's license will be suspended for a mandatory minimum period of one year, but many suspensions last longer. This suspension is absolute - meaning no driving at all.
Ignition Interlock Device
An Ignition Interlock Device is required to be installed on any car you drive for one year after your license is reinstated (Idaho Code Re: Interlock Requirement).
Alcohol Evaluation, Victims Panel, and Treatment
You will be required to complete extensive substance abuse treatment and education. For more about these requirements - Idaho DUI Conviction Treatment Requirements.
A Second Offense DUI On Your Criminal Record
In looking at the punishments listed above for a Second DUI conviction in Idaho, you might think that a criminal record is the least of your worries - you would be wrong. A conviction can have serious long term consequences beyond those punishments ordered by the court. A conviction for a Second Offense DUI can potentially affect your employment, personal relationships, and reputation.
A conviction can be particularly harmful in terms of gaining future employment, state licensing, federal education funding, and obtaining housing. The conviction will appear on any background checks done by any employer or government agency.
For more information on Second Offense DUI Penalties in Idaho, see Idaho Code §18-8005 - Penalties.

Fight Your Second Offense DUI
No DUI Case Is Hopeless.
No matter the circumstances, it is important that you seek an attorney's help - an attorney can do a great deal to help you during this difficult time. Yes, the potential penalties for a Second DUI conviction are severe, however, this is exactly why you should hire someone you can trust to fight for your freedom.
No Two DUI Cases Are Exactly Alike.
There is no cookie cutter DUI defense that works in every case. The strength and weakness of your case will depend on the particular facts and circumstances. The attorneys at Schofield and Young work hard to develop the best defense for your individual case. This could mean the difference between a conviction and an acquittal, dismissal, or reduction of the charges.
For general information, please click on the following link - Common Idaho 2nd DUI Defenses.
An Idaho DUI Lawyer Can Help.
Even if you plead guilty or are found guilty of an 2nd DUI in Idaho, hiring a DUI attorney gives you the best shot at receiving the minimum possible sentence. We are here to tell your side of the story, negotiate a reduced sentence, and present an argument to the judge as to why you deserve leniency. Your story is important - Let us help to make sure it is told.
Idaho DUI charges are largely based on the arresting officer's opinions and observations. The officer uses their judgment to decide to pull you over or require a field sobriety test. The officer's observations often do not necessarily tell the story they think it does. Let us tell the story from your perspective.
Even if a BAC reading is taken, we have the experience, skill, and knowledge to challenge the legitimacy of such tests and the reliability of the results.
Hire An Experienced Idaho DUI Lawyer
If you are charged with an Idaho 2nd Offense DUI, you need a DUI lawyer that will fight to protect your rights, reputation, and freedom. Call us today for a free consultation.
Boise DUI Lawyers | Boise DUI Second Offense | Idaho DUI 2nd Offense