In Idaho, if you are under 21 years of age and driving with a BAC of .02 or higher, you can be charged with a Driving Under the Influence. The penalties that result from a conviction for an Under 21 DUI for can be as serious and long-lasting.

Juvenile DUI Defense | Idaho DUI Lawyers
Juvenile DUI In Idaho
In Idaho, it is illegal for someone under 21 years old to operate a vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) over .02.
The Consequences for a Juvenile DUI in Idaho
If you are a minor being charged with a DUI (juvenile DUI), here's what you can expect if convicted:
Jail Time
- According to Idaho law, minors will never be punished with jail time for a first-time DUI conviction.
- Prior to sentencing, all minors must undergo a clinical drug/alcohol evaluation. Part of any sentence will include complying with any drug or alcohol rehabilitation/education recommended by the evaluation.
License Suspension
- Unlike a typical DUI charge–there is a mandatory one-year suspension term for minors. After 90 days, drivers can apply for a limited license so they can drive to work, school and medical appointments.
- Minors can expect a fine of up to $1,000 and court-costs of a couple hundred dollars. However, this is not the total economic impact a DUI can have, there are fees associated with license reinstatement, alcohol education and other penalties. Potentially, the driver's insurance rate will significantly increase.
Repeat Offenders
- If a minor is charged with a second DUI within a five-year span, the penalties become much stiffer. A jail sentence of five days is mandatory, but depending on the case, the judge could order a 30-day sentence. The fines also increase to a maximum of $2,000 and minimum of $500. The minor's driver's license will be suspended for anywhere between one and two years. Extensive alcohol education will be mandatory as well as a list of other penalties.
Hire An Experienced DUI Attorney To Handle Your Child's Juvenile DUI Case
If your loved one is charged with a DUI in Idaho, call us today to discuss the case.