Idaho Drug Crimes | Controlled Substance Offenses | Marijuana Crimes
Idaho takes a very strict stance on drug crimes. Whether you're charged with large-scale drug trafficking or simple misdemeanor offense, a conviction can have serious, even life-changing, consequences.

Idaho Drug Offenses
If you have been arrested and charged with drug offense, it is important that you understand the charges against you and what your legal rights are. Idaho's drug laws can be complex and severe. You should not try to take on the criminal justice system on your own. Do not let a drug conviction follow you around for the rest of your life. Let us fight for your rights, your freedom, and your future.
Why Work With Schofield and Young?
We will draw on our vast experience and success as a drug crime attorneys to fight your case. Our attorneys scrutinize every case for police mistakes or misconduct and to exploit the weaknesses in the prosecution's case to your advantage. If necessary, we can help you find an effective drug treatment program.

Idaho Misdemeanor Possession | Idaho Felony Possession
Types of Idaho Drug Crimes
Possession of a Controlled Substance
It is unlawful for any person to possess a controlled substance unless the substance was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of his professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by law. This is the most common drug crime charged in Idaho. The differences between a misdemeanor and a felony drug charge revolve around the substance involved, the amount possessed, and the potency of the substance.
- Misdemeanor Possession of Controlled Substance
- Felony Possession of Controlled Substance
- Idaho Marijuana Laws
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
It is unlawful for any person to use, or to possess with intent to use:
- drug paraphernalia to plant
- propagate
- cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture
- compound, convert, produce, process
- prepare, test, analyze,
- pack, repack, store, contain, conceal
- inject, ingest, inhale
- or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance.
See: Idaho Code 37-2734A
Frequenting A Place Where Drugs Are Present
It is unlawful for any person to be present at or on premises of any place where he or she knows illegal controlled substances are being manufactured or cultivated, or are being held for distribution, transportation, delivery, administration, use, or to be given away. See: Idaho Code 37-2732(c)
Possession With Intent To Distribute
Under Idaho law it is a felony for any person to manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance. The penalty for doing so is dictated by what schedule the drug is considered.
Delivery Of A Controlled Substance Where Children Are Present
It is unlawful for any person to manufacture or deliver, or possess with the intent to manufacture or deliver, a controlled substance as defined in Schedules I, II, III and IV, upon the same premises where a child under the age of eighteen (18) years is present.
Drug Trafficking
Trafficking is determined by the substance and the weight. This is a serious drug offense that carries mandatory minimum prison sentences.
Idaho Marijuana Crimes (misdemeanor and felony)
Unlike many other western states, it is still illegal to possess marijuana in Idaho. Be sure to understand the charges against you as the ounce sizes included in the charge can have different punishments. See: Idaho Code § 37-2705(d)(22)
Prescription Drug Charges
It isn't only the stereotypical "illegal drugs" that can lead to a drug crimes conviction in Idaho. Illegal use of otherwise-legal prescription drugs (like opioid painkillers) can also lead to criminal charges.
Drug DUI Cases
A Drug DUI or prescription medication DUI's arise from a wide range of medications and controlled substances. Police officers use their own discretion when assessing impairment from a prescription drug. They often make a decision based on assumption or "instinct". These assumptions are frequently not based on fact, which means they could lead to the arrest of a completely innocent individual.
Public Intoxication
A crime where a pedestrian is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol and presenting a hazard to themselves and the public. See: Idaho Code 49-1426 and Boise Code 5-2-4.

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