Frequently Asked Questions

Idaho Criminal Defense And DUI FAQs:
The Idaho Criminal Judicial System is complex and can be overwhelming. Because of this, many people have questions. I have complied a list of the most frequently asked questions and have done my best to answer them. Click on any of the topics below for information:
Do I Need A Lawyer?
How Much Does A Lawyer Cost?
Do You Provide Free Legal Advice?
What Happens At An Initial Consultation? What Should I Expect?
How Do I Get My Case Dismissed?
Can You Offer Me A Guarantee?
Questions and Concerns About Court And Hearings
Should I Just Plead Guilty?
Should I Accept A Plea Bargain?
What Is A "Rule 11" Plea Agreement?
Will I Go To Jail For A First Offense DUI In Idaho?
What Happens If I Violate Probation?

Obviously, there are many questions you may have that are not answered here. If you have an unanswered question, first I would suggest looking at the information we provide under the specific criminal charge. We have provided a great deal of information about nearly every individual Idaho crime. You can find a list on our practice areas page: Idaho Criminal Defense Practice Areas. Next, I would recommend checking our blog for information: Idaho Criminal Defense Blog. This blog contains numerous articles answering a wide variety of questions about criminal charges in Idaho. If you still can not find an answer, Contact Us. We would be happy to take a minute or two to discuss your case and answer any questions you have.
If you would like to set up a free consultation, click on the button below. Most consultations take 30 minutes and can provide you with the information you are looking for. Let us help with your criminal case.