Idaho Petty Theft | Petit Theft Charges

If you have been charged with Petty Theft (Petit Theft), it is important that you understand the charges against you and what your legal rights are.

Idaho Petty Theft Charge | Boise Petit Theft Charge

Idaho Petty Theft | Idaho Petit Theft | Boise Theft Lawyers

Idaho Petit Theft

Petit Theft: the theft of property with a value of less than $1,000.

Under Idaho Code §18-2407(2), Petit Theft (or Petty Theft, as it is commonly referred to) is misdemeanor and is any theft crime that does not qualify as Grand Theft

Idaho Code: §18-2403: Theft. A person steals property and commits theft when, with intent to deprive another of property or to appropriate the same to himself or to a third person, he wrongfully takes, obtains or withholds such property from an owner thereof.

Idaho Code §18-2407(2): Petit theft. A person is guilty of petit theft when he commits a theft and his actions do not constitute grand theft.

Typically, Petty Theft is charged in instances involving the theft of property with a value of less than $1,000.

Punishment For Petit Theft in Idaho

Petit Theft is a misdemeanor and a conviction can carry a sentence of up to $1000 in fines and up to one year in the county jail (See Punishments: Idaho Code §18-2408). The court can also order probation, anti-theft education and counseling, restitution for the cost of the stolen item(s), and any other punishments it deems appropriate.   

However, the punishments for Petty Theft do not stop when you leave the courthouse. A conviction can have serious short and long term consequences beyond those punishments ordered by the court, potentially affecting your employment, personal relationships, and reputation. A conviction can be particularly harmful in terms of gaining future employment, state licensing, and other benefits.The conviction will appear on any background checks and employers tend to pass on applicants with theft records, fearing them to be dishonest and having the potential to steal from their companies.

Petty theft is considered a "crime of moral turpitude" and can prevent you from obtaining professional licenses and certifications. This may also prevent you from getting Federal Student Loans for education.

Fight Your Idaho Petit Theft Charge

Don't let a Petit Theft conviction follow you around for the rest of your life! Let us fight to keep you out of jail and keep a Petit Theft conviction off your record.

An experienced Idaho Petty Theft attorney can fight the charge and keep it off your record. Every Petty Theft case is different and our attorneys scrutinizes the facts of every case to assert the best possible defense. Even if the evidence is overwhelming, we can fight to get the charge reduced or limit the punishment to community service and/or probation. The cost of hiring a petty theft lawyer may not be as high as you think.

Call Schofield and Young To Discuss Your Petty Theft (Petit Theft) Case

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1109 W. Main St. Suite 600
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 344-0128