Idaho Fraud Charges | Theft Crimes

If you have been charged with theft offense, it is important that you understand the charges against you and what your legal rights are. Idaho's theft laws can be complex and severe. You should not try to take on the criminal justice system on your own.

Idaho Fraud Lawyers
Idaho Fraud Attorneys | Boise Lawyers | Idaho Criminal Defense

Idaho Fraud

Fraud is "a deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right."

There are many different types of fraud (bank fraud, insurance fraud, etc.) but in most cases the purpose of fraud is monetary gain or financial benefits. The elements of fraud involve - the intentional deception of a victim by false representation or pretense with the intent of persuading the victim to part with property and with the victim parting with property in reliance on the representation or pretense and with the perpetrator intending to keep the property from the victim.

Call Us To Discuss Your Case

You do not have to fight this on your own. Protect your rights and your freedom. Give me a ring, I will discuss your case and give you an honest assessment.

Idaho's Premier Criminal Defense and DUI Attorneys

We are committed to providing every client with the respect and compassion they deserve. We work one-on-one with our clients to provide them with the best possible defense. Let us help you. Boise DUI AttorneysBoise Criminal Defense

We Provide Free Criminal Defense and DUI Consultations

Each case is unique. The strength and weakness of your case will depend on the particular facts of your case. Contact us to discuss your case. We will give you an honest assessment.
Idaho DUI LawyersIdaho Criminal Law Firm

Office Location

Schofield and Young
1109 W. Main St. Suite 600
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 344-0128