Idaho Criminal Defense and DUI Defense Attorney Blog

The Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer (Even if You Plan to Plead Guilty)

Posted by Christi Schofield | Aug 29, 2019 | 0 Comments

Idaho Criminal Defense Lawyers
Idaho Lawyers | Boise Lawyers | Schofield and Young

Benefits Of Hiring A Lawyer

There's no denying it, attorneys can be expensive. Maybe not always as expensive as many people believe but it is still never an expense people have built into their monthly budget. So, why hire one if you're just planning on pleading guilty? Or maybe you think you can handle the case on your own and save the money.

Even if you never plan on going to trial, you will want an attorney. Here's why: 

1. We ensure your legal rights are protected
2. We provide you with knowledge and resources
3. We help you navigate the complex legal waters, in and out of the courtroom
4. We negotiate plea deals - knowing full well what a good result looks like and how to achieve it
5. We act as a buffer between you and the court - everyone must go through us to get to you
6. We answer your questions and address your concerns - We provide you with the information you need to make a good decision
7. We tell your story
8. We fight for you... and we know what we are doing

The law is complex. It is filled with rules, procedures, and red tape. Just like you wouldn't want to do your own surgery, you don't want to make your criminal case a weekend DIY project. For example: If you don't know what is possible during a negotiation, how are you possibly supposed to know if an offer is a good resolution or a bad one? We are here to listen to you, answer your questions, protect you, fight for you, advise you on the law and all potential outcomes, and negotiate resolutions that are best for you. Even a minor problem can have huge consequences when it comes to your case. Without the expertise of a criminal defense attorney your case may spin out of control and you may end up doing yourself and your future considerable harm.

If you would like to contact us about your case:

Idaho Criminal Defense Lawyers

About the Author

Christi Schofield

Christi represents clients in a wide range of criminal law matters in the Treasure Valley and surrounding areas


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