Owyhee County Criminal Defense Lawyers

Owyhee County Criminal Defense

Owyhee County DUI

If you or a loved one are charged with a crime in Owyhee County - let me fight for you. I have handled many Owyhee County cases - from simple infractions to the most complex felonies. There is no case to small for my attention and no case to large for me to handle. I utilize every ounce of my talent, drive, and passion to fight for my clients.

I am skilled and have experience in all aspects of defending a criminal charge in Owyhee County, including investigations, arraignments, bail hearings, motion practice, plea bargaining, trials, sentencing, appeals and probation revocation hearings.

You Are Not Alone 

Don't attempt to navigate the system on your own. Owyhee County takes a strict, even harsh, stance on crime. A criminal charge in Owyhee County should not be treated like a DIY weekend project - I am here to help you through every step of the process.

Free Consultation.

Each case is unique. The strength and weakness of your case will depend the particular facts of your case. Call me for a free consultation. I will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and give you an honest, straightforward, assessment of your case. If I can not help you, I have connections with some of the best attorneys in town across all areas of practice.

Idaho's Premier Criminal Defense and DUI Attorneys

We are committed to providing every client with the respect and compassion they deserve. We work one-on-one with our clients to provide them with the best possible defense. Let us help you. Boise DUI AttorneysBoise Criminal Defense

We Provide Free Criminal Defense and DUI Consultations

Each case is unique. The strength and weakness of your case will depend on the particular facts of your case. Contact us to discuss your case. We will give you an honest assessment.
Idaho DUI LawyersIdaho Criminal Law Firm

Office Location

Schofield and Young
1109 W. Main St. Suite 600
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 344-0128