Case Results | Schofield and Young

Big Reduction in Ada County

August 2019

Case Type: Reduction of Felony to Misdemeanor
Jurisdiction: Ada County

We had a great result in Ada County yesterday. Our client pled guilty to felony robbery with a deadly weapon almost 27 years ago. Although he had completely turned his life around since this incident, it was holding him back. Not only did it put his current job at risk with new security protocols put in place, but it also limited his career options with other employers. In the end, we were able to convince the court to amend the felony to a misdemeanor. This reduction allowed our client to keep his current job and also seek promotions that he was previous ineligible for because of the felony.

To learn more about felony reductions, visit or call our office for a free consultation.

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Office Location

Schofield and Young
1109 W. Main St. Suite 600
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 344-0128