Speaking from experience, getting ticketed for speeding is not a fun experience. Seeing red and blue lights in your rear-view mirror is not a good feeling. I realize speeding is not even close to the worst thing you can be accused of, it can still impact your life in many ways. Penalties for a speeding infraction include: steep fines, insurance rate hikes, and added points on your driving record. In the past, I have just paid the ticket and tried not to speed in the future. Recently I have discovered this may not always be the best solution.
In the past few days, I have represented two different clients on speeding ticket cases. In each one, the clients had been issued a citation for diving between 10 mph and 15 mph over the posted speed limit. After negotiating with the prosecutors, we were able to reduce the infraction from speeding to an “equipment violation.” The result: a significant reduction in the fine, no points against your driving record, and it is less likely an insurance company will increase your rates. In the end, you may save you hundreds of dollars and a huge headache by fighting that speeding ticket.
However, before calling our office read this article first: Speeding tickets in Idaho. In summary, the juice may not be worth the squeeze.
Don't be afraid to call my office to discuss the case and find out how much it would cost for you to be represented. These are common conversations that I have every day. I will happily discuss potential costs of representation and explain how we came to that number.
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