Idaho Criminal Defense and DUI Defense Attorney Blog

What Is A Presentence Investigation (PSI)?

Posted by William Young | Jan 23, 2019 | 0 Comments

Idaho Presentece Investigation

Idaho Criminal Defense Lawyer
Idaho Criminal Attorneys | William Young and Associates

In most felony cases a Presentence Investigation, or PSI, is completed after a defendant is found guilty or enters a guilty plea but prior to sentencing. It is up to the defendant to determine how much, if at all, they want to cooperate with the PSI process. However, the terms of most plea deals require cooperation. In most cases cooperation is useful to the defendant as it gives them a platform to share their life story and view of the case.

Once completed, the PSI will provide the judge with background information on the defendant, family life, prior criminal history, mental health factors, personal letters from employers, friends or family, defendants level of guilt for the crime, and various other factors. This gives the judge insight into the defendant's personal nature, background, and criminal history.  

About the Author

William Young

William Young - Idaho Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, and Trial Attorney


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