Idaho Criminal Defense and DUI Defense Attorney Blog

William Young Again Acknowledged As A Top Criminal Defense Attorney In The Boise Area

Posted by William Young | Jun 07, 2019 | 0 Comments

Best Criminal defense lawyers in Boise City

William Young was again acknowledged (for the second year in a row) as one of the top three Boise, Idaho criminal defense attorneys by "3 Best Rated" -

Three Best Rated is an online platform that uses a 50-Point inspection process to recommend the three top businesses in a variety of professions. As the name implies a great deal of weight is given to client satisfaction, case results, and positive reviews.

It is an honor to be acknowledged for my hard work. My primary goal in every case is client satisfaction and awards like this show that I am meeting the high standards I set for myself. I have amazing clients and I appreciate the trust they place in my hands when hiring me to represent their interests. That being said, this is not the top of the mountain; I will continue to strive for higher levels of excellence and client satisfaction. 

As I indicated when I received this same award last year, there are many brilliant attorneys in the Boise area. I would never imply that I am "better" or "smarter" than anyone. I see this award as an acknowledgment of satisfaction from my clients. It is NOT an indication of superiority to any of my fellow criminal defense attorneys. I look up to many of these individuals for professional guidance and support. While I hope to one day be a "top 3" criminal defense attorney in Boise, I have a long way to go before I would even consider myself in that conversation.

For more information about William Young or to contact him directly:

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About the Author

William Young

William Young - Idaho Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, and Trial Attorney


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